Before a preface is milled, it must be measured.

To do this, the holder and the blank must be inserted into the machine and the corresponding jobs must be loaded into the control software - if they have not already been automatically transferred to the machine.

On machines without an automatic holder for the measuring pin, it must be inserted into the spindle. Make sure that the brass ring of the measuring pin is in contact with the spindle nose!

After the Preform Surveying has been prepared as described, the button "Surveying Preform" must be selected in the "Extended Mode" under the tab "Calibration". After confirming the query, all positions for which jobs are available in the DC conceptCONTROL will be measured automatically.

After successful measurement, the measuring pin can be removed and the processing of the moulded parts can be started.

Attention: Accidentally carrying out Preform Surveying on glass-ceramic blocks leads to a probe breakage!