How do I add new implant libraries to my Exocad?

We are more than happy to assist you with this process. 

Please ensure that you have already downloaded the implant library from third-party manufacturers.


Next, create a ticket with the relevant subject and provide us with the TeamViewer ID and password for your Exocad computer.


If you prefer to manage the library yourself, follow this guide, keeping in mind that the folder should be unpacked before implementing it into your Exocad library:


1. Right-click on your Exocad application to open the file path.

2. Navigate up two folder structures.

3. Open the DentalCADApp folder.

4. Access the library folder and add the selected files to either the implant library or the modelcreator library.


> The file path for the implant library for crowns/abutments is \DentalCADApp\library\implant.


> The file path for the implant library for models is \DentalCADApp\library\modelcreator\implants.

Ensure to delete old versions of the same library before, as they are generally not overwritten!